Edgar Lopez
Research Assistant

PhD, Urban Education Policy, University of Southern California (in progress)

Edgar Fidel Lopez is a PhD candidate in the Urban Education Policy program at the USC Rossier School of Education and a Research Assistant at the Pullias Center for Higher Education. Previously, he worked as the Strategic Impact and Research Intern at Lumina Foundation, Site Coordinator for Project MALES (Mentoring to Achieve Latino Educational Success), and Program Coordinator for the College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) at St. Edward’s University. He is a first-generation college/graduate student and a 2012 Gates Millennium Scholarship Recipient. His research study primarily explores the mentoring experiences of Latina/o/x doctoral students and ways to improve retention efforts toward their degree completion. Other research experiences include working with college/graduate school access and equity, formerly incarcerated and justice-impacted populations, men of color mentoring programs, and student-parents in higher education.

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