Zoë B. Corwin
Research Professor

PhD, Sociology, University of Southern California

Zoë B. Corwin is a research professor at the University of Southern California. Dr. Corwin serves as Principal Investigator for Phase II of the PASS Project, as well as Principal Investigator for the USC Skate Studies for the Pullias Center of Higher Education. In addition, she directed the Digital Equity in Education project. Her research program examines college preparation programs and access to financial aid for underserved students, college pathways for foster youth and the roleof social media and games in postsecondary access and completion.

Corwin is co-editor of Diversifying Digital Learning: Online Literacy and Educational Opportunity and Postsecondary Play: The Role of Games and Social Media in Higher Education, both published by Johns Hopkins University Press, and Preparing for College: Nine Elements of Effective Outreach with SUNY Press. In addition to academic articles, she has published several monographs designed for practitioners outlining effective college preparation strategies.

Sociology of Education | College Access & Success | Digital Equity | Qualitative Methodologies

Extended bio and CV at USC Rossier

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