
Since 1995, the Pullias Center has engaged in action-oriented projects and research to improve college access and student success, promote equity and diversity, and enhance the performance of postsecondary institutions. The Pullias Center publishes a range of reports, guides, briefs, tool kits and more informed by this higher education research. We have created more than 150 publications and all are free to download here.

For journal articles and book chapters authored by our faculty, please visit their individual pages.

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Emotional Labor in Shared Equity Leadership Environments: Creating Emotionally Supportive Spaces

Darsella Vigil, Elizabeth Holcombe, Adrianna Kezar, Natsumi Ueda
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2023)
As leaders in higher education increasingly recognize the importance of prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) on their campuses, so too does their awareness grow…

Promoting Graduate Student Wellbeing: Cultural, Organizational, and Environmental Factors in the Academy

Dr. Julie Posselt
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2021)
The purpose of this essay is to synthesize current knowledge about cultural, organizational, and environmental factors in higher education which are known to support or…

Doctoral Candidacy and Qualifying Exams: A Guide to Contexts, Costs for Equity, and Possibilities of Transformation

Julie Posselt, Román Liera
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2022)
In this brief, we offer context about qualifying exams, raise awareness of how they can compromise equity and student wellbeing, and offer recommendations for structural…

Postdoctoral Hiring & Equity Issues in STEM: Employment Trends, Policy, and Research

Jill Huynh, Kimberlee Shauman
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2021)
Inequities in postdoctoral hiring reflect and contribute to inequities in the scientific labor force more broadly. Although their positions are usually temporary, postdoctorates comprise a…

Racial Equity on College Campuses: Connecting Research and Practice

Edited by Royel M. Johnson, Uju Anya, and Liliana M. Garces
SUNY Press
The current socio-political moment—rife with racial tensions and overt bigotry—has exacerbated longstanding racial inequities in higher education. While educational scholars have developed conceptual tools and…

Equity in Science: Representation, Culture, and the Dynamics of Change in Graduate Education

Julie R. Posselt
2020, Stanford University Press
STEM disciplines are believed to be founded on the idea of meritocracy; recognition earned by the value of the data, which is objective. Such disciplinary…

Inside Graduate Admissions: Merit, Diversity, and Faculty Gatekeeping

Julie R. Posselt
2016, Harvard University Press
How does graduate admissions work? Who does the system work for, and who falls through its cracks? More people than ever seek graduate degrees, but…

The End of Racial Justice?

Jarrett T. Gupton
Pullias Center for Higher Education, 2023
“The End of Racial Justice? A Content Analysis of Racial Justice Backlash Bills” explores the impact that federal executive orders and state bills enacted since…

How Colleges Change: Understanding, Leading, and Enacting Change

Adrianna Kezar
2018 Routledge
Joining theory and practice, How Colleges Change unmasks problematic assumptions that university leaders and change agents typically possess, and provides research-based principles for approaching change.…

Envisioning the Faculty for the Twenty-First Century: Moving to a Mission-Oriented and Learner-Centered Model (The American Campus)

Adrianna Kezar & Daniel Maxey
2016, Rutgers University Press
Envisioning the Faculty for the Twenty-First Century weighs the concerns of university administrators, professors, adjuncts, and students in order to critically assess emerging faculty models…

Emotional Labor in Shared Equity Leadership Environments: Creating Emotionally Supportive Spaces

Darsella Vigil, Elizabeth Holcombe, Adrianna Kezar, Natsumi Ueda
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2023)
As leaders in higher education increasingly recognize the importance of prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) on their campuses, so too does their awareness grow for the inherently emotional nature of DEI work. Indeed, violence and trauma have been major…

Promoting Graduate Student Wellbeing: Cultural, Organizational, and Environmental Factors in the Academy

Dr. Julie Posselt
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2021)
The purpose of this essay is to synthesize current knowledge about cultural, organizational, and environmental factors in higher education which are known to support or inhibit the wellbeing of graduate students. Given that students’ intellectual growth as graduate students is…

Doctoral Candidacy and Qualifying Exams: A Guide to Contexts, Costs for Equity, and Possibilities of Transformation

Julie Posselt, Román Liera
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2022)
In this brief, we offer context about qualifying exams, raise awareness of how they can compromise equity and student wellbeing, and offer recommendations for structural and cultural change. We synthesize published research and findings from the IGEN Research Hub’s studies…

Postdoctoral Hiring & Equity Issues in STEM: Employment Trends, Policy, and Research

Jill Huynh, Kimberlee Shauman
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2021)
Inequities in postdoctoral hiring reflect and contribute to inequities in the scientific labor force more broadly. Although their positions are usually temporary, postdoctorates comprise a substantial proportion of the STEM research workforce and conduct a large share of the work…

Racial Equity on College Campuses: Connecting Research and Practice

Edited by Royel M. Johnson, Uju Anya, and Liliana M. Garces
SUNY Press
The current socio-political moment—rife with racial tensions and overt bigotry—has exacerbated longstanding racial inequities in higher education. While educational scholars have developed conceptual tools and offered data-informed recommendations for rooting out racism in campus policies and practices, this work is…

Equity in Science: Representation, Culture, and the Dynamics of Change in Graduate Education

Julie R. Posselt
2020, Stanford University Press
STEM disciplines are believed to be founded on the idea of meritocracy; recognition earned by the value of the data, which is objective. Such disciplinary cultures resist concerns about implicit or structural biases, and yet, year after year, scientists observe…

Inside Graduate Admissions: Merit, Diversity, and Faculty Gatekeeping

Julie R. Posselt
2016, Harvard University Press
How does graduate admissions work? Who does the system work for, and who falls through its cracks? More people than ever seek graduate degrees, but little has been written about who gets in and why. Drawing on firsthand observations of…

The End of Racial Justice?

Jarrett T. Gupton
Pullias Center for Higher Education, 2023
“The End of Racial Justice? A Content Analysis of Racial Justice Backlash Bills” explores the impact that federal executive orders and state bills enacted since the Summer of 2020 and the “racial reckoning that forced the country and higher education…

How Colleges Change: Understanding, Leading, and Enacting Change

Adrianna Kezar
2018 Routledge
Joining theory and practice, How Colleges Change unmasks problematic assumptions that university leaders and change agents typically possess, and provides research-based principles for approaching change. Featuring case studies, teaching questions, change tools, and a greater focus on scaling change, this…

Envisioning the Faculty for the Twenty-First Century: Moving to a Mission-Oriented and Learner-Centered Model (The American Campus)

Adrianna Kezar & Daniel Maxey
2016, Rutgers University Press
Envisioning the Faculty for the Twenty-First Century weighs the concerns of university administrators, professors, adjuncts, and students in order to critically assess emerging faculty models and offer informed policy recommendations. Cognizant of the financial pressures that have led many universities…
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