
Since 1995, the Pullias Center has engaged in action-oriented projects and research to improve college access and student success, promote equity and diversity, and enhance the performance of postsecondary institutions. The Pullias Center publishes a range of reports, guides, briefs, tool kits and more informed by this higher education research. We have created more than 150 publications and all are free to download here.

For journal articles and book chapters authored by our faculty, please visit their individual pages.

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Enhancing Campus Capacity for Leadership: An Examination of Grassroots Leaders in Higher Education

Adrianna J. Kezar & Jamie Lester
2011, Stanford University Press
Enhancing Campus Capacity for Leadership contributes to the growing tradition of giving voice to grassroots leaders, focusing on the largely untapped potential of faculty and…

Improving College Access through Digital Tools. Pullias Center for Higher Education.

Pullias Center for Higher Education (2019)
Our Digital Equity in Education project at USC's Pullias Center for Higher Education started with a simple question: Could we make the process of applying…

Higher Education Administration for Social Justice and Equity

Adrianna Kezar, Julie Posselt
Routledge (October 2018)
Higher Education Administration for Social Justice and Equity empowers all administrators in higher education to engage in their work―to make decisions, hire, mentor, budget, create…

The Gig Academy: Mapping Labor in the Neoliberal University

Adrianna Kezar, Tom DePaola, and Daniel T. Scott
Johns Hopkins University Press, (October 2019)
The Gig Academy assesses the impact of a disturbing workforce development, providing an overarching framework that takes the concept of the gig economy and applies…

Shared Leadership in Higher Education: A Framework and Models for Responding to a Changing World

Elizabeth M. Holcombe (Editor), Adrianna J. Kezar (Editor), Susan L. Elrod (Editor), Judith A. Ramaley (Editor), Nancy Cantor (Foreword)
Stylus Publishing (December 2021)
Today’s higher education challenges necessitate new forms of leadership. A volatile financial environment and the need for new business models and partnerships to address the…

Diversifying Digital Learning: Online Literacy and Educational Opportunity

John Hopkins University Press; Illustrated Edition (February 18, 2018)
Many schools and programs in low-income neighborhoods lack access to the technological resources, including equipment and Internet service, that those in middle- and upper-income neighborhoods…

Postsecondary Play: The Role of Games and Social Media in Higher Education

JHUP (May 29, 2014)
The college application process—which entails multiple forms, essays, test scores, and deadlines—can be intimidating. For students without substantial school and family support, the complexity of…

Preparing for College: Nine Elements of Effective Outreach

SUNY Press (November 11, 2004)
The remarkable diversity in college preparation programs raises a compelling question: With a finite amount of time and resources, which activities are most likely to…

Shared Equity Leadership: Making Equity Everyone’s Work

Adrianna Kezar, Elizabeth Holcombe, Darsella Vigil, and Jude Paul Mathias Dizon
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2021)
In this publication, the first in the “On Shared Equity Leadership” series, we describe how broadly inclusive and collaborative approaches to leadership are necessary to…

Organizing Shared Equity Leadership: Four Approaches to Structuring the Work

Elizabeth Holcombe, Adrianna Kezar, Jude Paul Matias Dizon, Darsella Vigil, Natsumi Ueda
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2022)
In this report, the second in the On Shared Equity Leadership series, we highlight four distinct ways to structure Shared Equity Leadership (SEL) that we…

Enhancing Campus Capacity for Leadership: An Examination of Grassroots Leaders in Higher Education

Adrianna J. Kezar & Jamie Lester
2011, Stanford University Press
Enhancing Campus Capacity for Leadership contributes to the growing tradition of giving voice to grassroots leaders, focusing on the largely untapped potential of faculty and staff on college campuses. In an increasingly corporatized environment, grassroots leadership can provide a balance…

Improving College Access through Digital Tools. Pullias Center for Higher Education.

Pullias Center for Higher Education (2019)
Our Digital Equity in Education project at USC's Pullias Center for Higher Education started with a simple question: Could we make the process of applying to college and for financial aid more engaging? Our research shows that digital tools have…

Higher Education Administration for Social Justice and Equity

Adrianna Kezar, Julie Posselt
Routledge (October 2018)
Higher Education Administration for Social Justice and Equity empowers all administrators in higher education to engage in their work―to make decisions, hire, mentor, budget, create plans, and carry out other day-to-day operations―with a clear commitment to justice, sensitivity to power…

The Gig Academy: Mapping Labor in the Neoliberal University

Adrianna Kezar, Tom DePaola, and Daniel T. Scott
Johns Hopkins University Press, (October 2019)
The Gig Academy assesses the impact of a disturbing workforce development, providing an overarching framework that takes the concept of the gig economy and applies it to the university workforce, this book scrutinizes labor restructuring across both academic and nonacademic…

Shared Leadership in Higher Education: A Framework and Models for Responding to a Changing World

Elizabeth M. Holcombe (Editor), Adrianna J. Kezar (Editor), Susan L. Elrod (Editor), Judith A. Ramaley (Editor), Nancy Cantor (Foreword)
Stylus Publishing (December 2021)
Today’s higher education challenges necessitate new forms of leadership. A volatile financial environment and the need for new business models and partnerships to address the impact of new technologies, changing demographics, and emerging societal needs, demand more effective and innovative…

Diversifying Digital Learning: Online Literacy and Educational Opportunity

John Hopkins University Press; Illustrated Edition (February 18, 2018)
Many schools and programs in low-income neighborhoods lack access to the technological resources, including equipment and Internet service, that those in middle- and upper-income neighborhoods have at their fingertips. This inequity creates a persistent digital divide—not a simple divide in…

Postsecondary Play: The Role of Games and Social Media in Higher Education

JHUP (May 29, 2014)
The college application process—which entails multiple forms, essays, test scores, and deadlines—can be intimidating. For students without substantial school and family support, the complexity of this process can become a barrier to access. William G. Tierney and his team at…

Preparing for College: Nine Elements of Effective Outreach

SUNY Press (November 11, 2004)
The remarkable diversity in college preparation programs raises a compelling question: With a finite amount of time and resources, which activities are most likely to improve educational achievement for underrepresented youth in the United States? This book defines and analyzes…

Shared Equity Leadership: Making Equity Everyone’s Work

Adrianna Kezar, Elizabeth Holcombe, Darsella Vigil, and Jude Paul Mathias Dizon
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2021)
In this publication, the first in the “On Shared Equity Leadership” series, we describe how broadly inclusive and collaborative approaches to leadership are necessary to achieve equitable outcomes. We term this approach shared equity leadership (SEL), in which equity becomes…

Organizing Shared Equity Leadership: Four Approaches to Structuring the Work

Elizabeth Holcombe, Adrianna Kezar, Jude Paul Matias Dizon, Darsella Vigil, Natsumi Ueda
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2022)
In this report, the second in the On Shared Equity Leadership series, we highlight four distinct ways to structure Shared Equity Leadership (SEL) that we observed from our participating institutions. We lay the groundwork for understanding these structures by first…
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